Thursday, January 14, 2010

E is for Elephants

E is for elephants, the reason I decided to do my speech on elephants is because they are huge. They may be slow but holy molly that is huge. I cant believe their body strength, they can pull anything from cars to transport trucks. They are super cool and super fun to see. I have rode an elephant before when I was 5 years old. It was super amazing of how slow and high we were. Every time they put there foot down it was wow how did you do that there is a hole there big boy, how did you do that with your foot.

I find the 3rd worst thing in the world is people that take elephant tusks. Why would you want to do that to an elephant, elephants are greatest animals I and you shall have ever seen, how would you like if some one cut of your teeth. Its wrong, ITS WRONG. I hate when ever that happens because elephants are going extinct and we need to do something now.

Life lesson Jail anyone that takes elephant tusks.

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