Thursday, February 4, 2010

J is for Jordan

J is for Jordan

Jordan is a funny guy and has good potenshills ok I will be honest what does potenshill mean Ms Weldon, I hope it means something good :). Any way why do I do my blog on Jordan because he has a good nicknames, very funny, has no idea how old Will Ferel is, and how many places citys there are in the united satates, just kidding Jordan I'm sure you know how many citys there are ;). I am going to talk about Jordans life and when i firest meat him in grade 1.

It was the start of grade 1 I saw Jordan do a funny thing, put his salks all the way to the top of his angles. I said wow man you are whereing tights hahahahhahahahah. But of cousre that would not be funny today just because of our age and stuff. When we were in grade two nobody wanted to work with me :(, but than jordan said hey buddy wanna be partners with me and I was like, SWEET DUDE SWEET, and have liked him ever since. OK I am going to skip some grades here 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. wow ok we are at modern day. Jordan is a really good friend, well thats what I think. I hope Jordan stays at the best school ever S.J.K. Because from there who nows where we will go. maybe hate each other, Become best friends, or even come up to my cottage. I can't wait till grade 8 thanks for a some sweet 7 years seya Dog and Ms Weldon.

Life lession if u arent a friend with jordan yet make sure you do become friends.


  1. Eric, this post made me smile! Even though you weren't that sure what it meant "potential" was a good word to use. It means that you think Jordan has the ability to be something great. The official definition is:

    "having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future"
